The Dreams of a Master
“When you have depressions, anxieties, and frustrations, don't let yourself get confused - don't think that you're sitting anywhere less than in the presence of the Beloved.”
-John-Roger, DSS
“Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”
– Matthew 18:20, King James Bible
In this sequel to his Amazon #1 New Age Mysticism best-seller, The Love of a Master, Jesus Garcia transforms his life after the physical loss of his beloved spiritual teacher and father figure, Dr. John-Roger (J-R), the late founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA).
When Dreams of a Master begins, a still-grieving Garcia prepares to move out of the Mandeville Canyon house in the hills of Los Angeles where he lived for 29 years—26 of those on J-R’s personal staff. Adrift at first, he finds solace in memories, dreams, spiritual exercises, and a strong inner connection to his Sound Current Master, John-Roger. Concurrently, the publication of his first book leads Garcia on a national, then worldwide promotional tour.
During his travels, he finds renewed purpose by visiting MSIA communities around the globe—where he provides spiritual counseling, shows John-Roger seminar videos and films, shares stories with fellow initiates and ministers, and addresses questions about his time with J-R. Most importantly, through satsang(sacred gatherings), Garcia discovers that he is just one strand of a web connecting thousands of MSIA disciples with John-Roger’s abiding love, which remains stronger and more powerful than ever since his passage into Spirit.
Beyond the story narrative and travel journal-like entries, Dreams of a Master also describes dream work techniques and other spiritual practices taught by J-R that Garcia has found valuable in his own life.