Soul Travel
“Soul Transcendence is the practice of awareness: awareness of yourself, awareness of your Soul, awareness of God. Beyond all the activities of this life, beyond successes and failures, beyond relationships, beyond acquisitions, there is the Soul. It is what outlasts all the rest of it. The Soul is what you can count on. It is the vehicle for your expression here. When you were born to this physical earth, the Soul was your vehicle, and it will be your vehicle when you leave this earth plane.”
John-Roger, DSS
To follow my Bliss. Encourage others to do the same.
The Dreams of a Master Satsang
“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them..”
This Spiritual Satsang/Gathering-in-truth is to guide you in connecting with your own Inner Master as well as an outer Wayshower- Specifically, spiritual teacher John-Roger (known as J-R), a Sound Current Master followed by thousands worldwide. Facilitated by Spiritual Counselor Jesus Garcia, DSS, who worked and studied with J-R for 26 years, Satsang incorporates a variety of individual and partner processes, meditation (spiritual exercises), movement, group sharing, and audio/video J-R seminars. Always for the Highest Good: In a peaceful retreat setting, you will have the opportunity to experience:
· Awareness and align with Spirit.
· Completions.
· Conscious attention for the purpose of knowing the inner master.
· Cultivating your direct knowing and intuition
· Dream interpretation.
· Communicating Loving love.
· Techniques in movement.
Available anywhere around the world. To schedule a Satsang in your area write me.